Zmiany w poprawce 1 od wersji 1.9.4 ### OTWÓRZ ### # /includes/functions.php ### ZNAJD ### $nav_separator = ' -> '; ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Zmiana wyswietlania separatora for na ladniejszy :) $nav_separator = ' » '; ### ZNAJD ### $template->assign_block_vars('catrow.tablehead', array( 'L_FORUM' => ($athis < 0) ? $lang['Forum'] : get_object_lang($cur, 'name'), ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Dodanie nowych parametrow, potrzebnych w przyszlosci do innych stylow np. Morpheus $template->assign_block_vars('catrow', array()); $template->assign_block_vars('catrow.tablehead', array( 'FORUM_ID' => intval($cur), 'L_FORUM' => ($athis < 0) ? $lang['Forum'] : get_object_lang($cur, 'name'), ### ZNAJD ### $template->assign_block_vars('catrow.cathead', array( 'CAT_TITLE' => get_object_lang($cur, 'name'), ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Dodanie nowych parametrow, potrzebnych w przyszlosci do innych stylow np. Morpheus $template->assign_block_vars('catrow.cathead', array( 'CAT_ID' => $cat_id, 'CAT_TITLE' => get_object_lang($cur, 'name'), ### ZNAJD ### $template->assign_block_vars('catrow.forumrow', array( 'FORUM_FOLDER_IMG' => $folder_image, ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Dodanie nowych parametrow, potrzebnych w przyszlosci do innych stylow np. Morpheus $template->assign_block_vars('catrow.forumrow', array( 'FORUM_ID' => $id, 'FORUM_FOLDER_IMG' => $folder_image, ### ZNAJD ### if ( $total_pages == 1 ) ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Poprawienie wyswietlania "1 strona z 0" w widoku forum if ( $total_pages <= 1 ) ### ZNAJD ### if ( !empty($db) ) { $db->sql_close(); } exit; ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Niepotrzebne zamykanie polaczenia SQL exit; ### OTWÓRZ ### # /includes/functions_post.php ### ZNAJD ### $result = $db->sql_query($sql); if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Niepotrzebne wykonywanie 2 razy tego samego zapytania SQL if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) ### ZNAJD ### function submit_post($mode, &$post_data, &$message, &$meta, &$forum_id, &$topic_id, &$post_id, &$poll_id, &$topic_type, &$bbcode_on, &$html_on, &$smilies_on, &$attach_sig, &$bbcode_uid, &$post_username, &$post_subject, &$post_subject_e, &$post_message, &$poll_title, &$poll_options, &$poll_length, &$max_vote, &$hide_vote, &$tothide_vote, &$user_agent, &$msg_icon, &$msg_expire, &$topic_color, &$post_approve) ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Przechwytywanie wartosci is_mod, is_jr_admin z posting.php aby wyeliminowac 2 dodatkowe zapytania SQL function submit_post($mode, &$post_data, &$message, &$meta, &$forum_id, &$topic_id, &$post_id, &$poll_id, &$topic_type, &$bbcode_on, &$html_on, &$smilies_on, &$attach_sig, &$bbcode_uid, &$post_username, &$post_subject, &$post_subject_e, &$post_message, &$poll_title, &$poll_options, &$poll_length, &$max_vote, &$hide_vote, &$tothide_vote, &$user_agent, &$msg_icon, &$msg_expire, &$topic_color, &$post_approve, &$is_mod, &$is_jr_admin) ### ZNAJD ### # Jak wyzej if ( $userdata['user_level'] != ADMIN && !is_jr_admin($userdata['user_id']) && !is_mod($userdata['user_id']) ) ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### if ( $userdata['user_level'] != ADMIN && !$is_jr_admin && !$is_mod ) ### ZNAJD ### # Dodanie spacji w kodzie usmieszkow 'SMILEY_CODE' => $data['code'], ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### 'SMILEY_CODE' => ' ' . $data['code'] . ' ', ### OTWÓRZ ### # /includes/functions_selects.php ### ZNAJD ### $t_id = $row['themes_id']; $tsql = "SELECT user_style FROM " . USERS_TABLE . " WHERE user_style = $t_id"; if ( !($tresult = $db->sql_query($tsql)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Couldn't query user table", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } while ( $trow = $db->sql_fetchrow($tresult) ) { $tcount++; } $selected = ( $row['themes_id'] == $default_style ) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $style_select .= ''; ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Rezygnujemy z wyswietlania w jumpboxie ile uzytkownikow uzywa danego stylu, brzydkie to i niepotrzebne zapytanie :) # Jeæeli koniecznie chcesz aby byla pokazywana ta wartosc nie zmieniaj tego, lecz popraw wskazania CheckFiles $t_id = $row['themes_id']; $selected = ( $row['themes_id'] == $default_style ) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $style_select .= ''; ### OTWÓRZ ### # /includes/page_tail.php ### ZNAJD ### $bo = ( $userdata['user_level'] == ADMIN || is_jr_admin($userdata['user_id'])) ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Eliminujemy jedno niepotrzebne zapytanie gdy uzytkownik niezalogowany $bo = ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] && ($userdata['user_level'] == ADMIN || is_jr_admin($userdata['user_id']))) ### ZNAJD ### $generate_time = ($generate_time > 200 || $generate_time < 0) ? '0.01' : $generate_time; ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Blad z wyswietlaniem czasu generowania strony np. 12312412487 $generated_time = ($generated_time > 200 || $generated_time < 0) ? '0.01' : $generated_time; ### OTWÓRZ ### # /includes/usercp_viewprofile.php ### ZNAJD ### $result = $db->sql_query($sql); if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Blad podwojnego zapytania if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) ### OTWÓRZ ### # language/lang_polish/lang_admin.php ### ZNAJD ### $lang['BM_Public_reason'] = 'Pbliczny powód'; ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Literówka $lang['BM_Public_reason'] = 'Publiczny powód'; ### ZNAJD ### $lang['quick_reply_pages'] = 'Szybka odpowie¼ tylkona ostatniej stronie tematu'; ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Literówka $lang['quick_reply_pages'] = 'Szybka odpowie¼ tylko na ostatniej stronie tematu'; ### OTWÓRZ ### # index.php ### ZNAJD ### $server_protocol = ($board_config['cookie_secure']) ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $server_name = preg_replace('#^\/?(.*?)\/?$#', '\1', trim($board_config['server_name'])); $server_port = ($board_config['server_port'] <> 80) ? ':' . trim($board_config['server_port']) : ''; $script_name = preg_replace('#^\/?(.*?)\/?$#', '\1', trim($board_config['script_path'])); $script_name = ($script_name == '') ? $script_name : '/' . $script_name; $check_path_setup = @fopen($server_protocol . $server_name . $server_port . $script_name . '/', 'r'); if ( $check_path_setup ) { @fclose($check_path_setup); $check_path_setup_ok = true; } if ( $board_config['check_address'] && $HTTP_HOST != $board_config['server_name'] && isset($HTTP_HOST) && $board_config['server_name'] && $board_config['script_path'] && $check_path_setup_ok && !isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['redir']) ) { if ( !empty($db) ) { $db->sql_close(); } if ( @preg_match('/Microsoft|WebSTAR|Xitami/', getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE')) ) { header('Refresh: 0; URL=' . $server_protocol . $server_name . $server_port . $script_name. '?redir=1'); echo 'Redirect
If your browser does not support meta redirection please click HERE to be redirected
'; exit; } // Behave as per HTTP/1.1 spec for others header('Location: ' . $server_protocol . $server_name . $server_port . $script_name. '?redir=1'); exit; } ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Blad z wyswietlaniem "Ustawienia forum sa nieprawidlowe" i poprawienie przekierowania gdy zly adres forum (z www lub bez) if ( $board_config['check_address'] && $HTTP_HOST != $board_config['server_name'] && isset($HTTP_HOST) && $board_config['server_name'] && $board_config['script_path'] && !isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['redir']) ) { $server_protocol = ($board_config['cookie_secure']) ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $server_name = preg_replace('#^\/?(.*?)\/?$#', '\1', trim($board_config['server_name'])); $server_port = ($board_config['server_port'] <> 80) ? ':' . trim($board_config['server_port']) : ''; $script_name = preg_replace('#^\/?(.*?)\/?$#', '\1', trim($board_config['script_path'])); $script_name = ($script_name == '') ? $script_name : '/' . $script_name; $check_path_setup = @fopen($server_protocol . $server_name . $server_port . $script_name . '/', 'r'); if ( $check_path_setup ) { @fclose($check_path_setup); $check_path_ok = true; } if ( $check_path_ok ) { if ( @preg_match('/Microsoft|WebSTAR|Xitami/', getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE')) ) { header('Refresh: 0; URL=' . $server_protocol . $server_name . $server_port . $script_name. '/index.'.$phpEx . '?redir=1'); echo 'Redirect
If your browser does not support meta redirection please click HERE to be redirected
'; exit; } // Behave as per HTTP/1.1 spec for others header('Location: ' . $server_protocol . $server_name . $server_port . $script_name. '/index.'.$phpEx . '?redir=1'); exit; } } ### ZNAJD ### $template->assign_vars(array( 'TEMPLATE_SELECT' => style_select($board_config['default_style'], 'template') . $submit_button, 'FPAGE_STYLE' => style_select($fpage_style, 'fpage_theme') . $submit_button) ); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . SHOUTBOX_CONFIG_TABLE . " WHERE config_name = 'shoutbox_on' OR config_name = 'banned_user_id_view' OR config_name = 'allow_users_view' OR config_name = 'allow_users' OR config_name = 'allow_users_view'"; ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Wyrzucenie dwoch niepotrzebnych zapytan na stronie glownej if ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] ) { $template->assign_vars(array( 'FPAGE_STYLE' => style_select($fpage_style, 'fpage_theme') . $submit_button) ); } else { $template->assign_vars(array( 'TEMPLATE_SELECT' => style_select($board_config['default_style'], 'template') . $submit_button) ); } } $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . SHOUTBOX_CONFIG_TABLE . " WHERE config_name = 'shoutbox_on' OR config_name = 'banned_user_id_view' OR config_name = 'allow_users_view' OR config_name = 'allow_users' OR config_name = 'allow_users_view' OR config_name = 'shout_width' OR config_name = 'shout_height'"; ### USUŃ ### # Wyrzucenie sprawdzania poprawnych ustawien forum if ( !$check_path_setup_ok ) { print '' . $lang['Setup_wrong'] . ''; } ### OTWÓRZ ### # login.php ### ZNAJD ### if ($board_config['check_address'] && $HTTP_HOST != $board_config['server_name'] && isset($HTTP_HOST) && $board_config['server_name'] && $board_config['script_path'] && !isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['redir']) ) { if ( !empty($db) ) { $db->sql_close(); } $server_protocol = ($board_config['cookie_secure']) ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $server_name = preg_replace('#^\/?(.*?)\/?$#', '\1', trim($board_config['server_name'])); $server_port = ($board_config['server_port'] <> 80) ? ':' . trim($board_config['server_port']) : ''; $script_name = preg_replace('#^\/?(.*?)\/?$#', '\1', trim($board_config['script_path'])); $script_name = ($script_name == '') ? $script_name . '/login.'.$phpEx : '/' . $script_name . '/login.'.$phpEx; if ( @preg_match('/Microsoft|WebSTAR|Xitami/', getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE')) ) { header('Refresh: 0; URL=' . $server_protocol . $server_name . $server_port . $script_name. '?redir=1'); echo 'Redirect
If your browser does not support meta redirection please click HERE to be redirected
'; exit; } // Behave as per HTTP/1.1 spec for others header('Location: ' . $server_protocol . $server_name . $server_port . $script_name. '?redir=1'); exit; } ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Zmiana przekierowywania na poprawny adres if ( $board_config['check_address'] && $HTTP_HOST != $board_config['server_name'] && isset($HTTP_HOST) && $board_config['server_name'] && $board_config['script_path'] && !isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['redir']) ) { $server_protocol = ($board_config['cookie_secure']) ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $server_name = preg_replace('#^\/?(.*?)\/?$#', '\1', trim($board_config['server_name'])); $server_port = ($board_config['server_port'] <> 80) ? ':' . trim($board_config['server_port']) : ''; $script_name = preg_replace('#^\/?(.*?)\/?$#', '\1', trim($board_config['script_path'])); $the_script_name = ($script_name == '') ? $script_name : '/' . $script_name; $script_name = ($script_name == '') ? $script_name . '/login.'.$phpEx : '/' . $script_name . '/login.'.$phpEx; $check_path_setup = @fopen($server_protocol . $server_name . $server_port . $the_script_name . '/', 'r'); if ( $check_path_setup ) { @fclose($check_path_setup); $check_path_ok = true; } if ( $check_path_ok ) { if ( @preg_match('/Microsoft|WebSTAR|Xitami/', getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE')) ) { header('Refresh: 0; URL=' . $server_protocol . $server_name . $server_port . $script_name. '?redir=1'); echo 'Redirect
If your browser does not support meta redirection please click HERE to be redirected
'; exit; } // Behave as per HTTP/1.1 spec for others header('Location: ' . $server_protocol . $server_name . $server_port . $script_name. '?redir=1'); exit; } } ### OTWÓRZ ### # modcp.php ### ZNAJD ### LIMIT $start, $user_topics_per_page"; ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Poprawka do scalania postow (nie dalo sie scalic do tematow na innych stronach) " . (($mode != 'mergepost' && $mode != 'mergetopic' && !$mergepost && !$mergetopic) ? "LIMIT $start, $user_topics_per_page" : ''); ### ZNAJD ### $template->assign_block_vars('topicrow', array( 'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => '', ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Dodanie linkow do listowanych tematow w panelu moderacji $template->assign_block_vars('topicrow', array( 'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id"), ### ZNAJD ### $template->assign_vars(array( 'PAGINATION' => generate_pagination("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'] . "", $forum_topics, $user_topics_per_page, $start), 'PAGE_NUMBER' => sprintf($lang['Page_of'], ( floor( $start / $user_topics_per_page ) + 1 ), ceil( $forum_topics / $user_topics_per_page )), 'L_GOTO_PAGE' => $lang['Goto_page']) ); ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Poprawka do scalania postow (nie dalo sie scalic do tematow na innych stronach) if ( $mode != 'mergepost' && $mode != 'mergetopic' && !$mergepost && !$mergetopic ) { $template->assign_vars(array( 'PAGINATION' => generate_pagination("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'] . "", $forum_topics, $user_topics_per_page, $start), 'PAGE_NUMBER' => sprintf($lang['Page_of'], ( floor( $start / $user_topics_per_page ) + 1 ), ceil( $forum_topics / $user_topics_per_page )), 'L_GOTO_PAGE' => $lang['Goto_page']) ); } ### ZNAJD ### LIMIT $start, $user_topics_per_page"; ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # j.w. " . (($mode != 'mergepost' && $mode != 'mergetopic' && !$mergepost && !$mergetopic) ? "LIMIT $start, $user_topics_per_page" : ''); ### ZNAJD ### $template->assign_block_vars('topicrow', array( 'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => '', ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # j.w. $template->assign_block_vars('topicrow', array( 'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id"), ### ZNAJD ### $template->assign_vars(array( 'PAGINATION' => generate_pagination("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'] . "", $forum_topics, $user_topics_per_page, $start), 'PAGE_NUMBER' => sprintf($lang['Page_of'], ( floor( $start / $user_topics_per_page ) + 1 ), ceil( $forum_topics / $user_topics_per_page )), 'L_GOTO_PAGE' => $lang['Goto_page']) ); ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # j.w. if ( $mode != 'mergepost' && $mode != 'mergetopic' && !$mergepost && !$mergetopic ) { $template->assign_vars(array( 'PAGINATION' => generate_pagination("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'] . "", $forum_topics, $user_topics_per_page, $start), 'PAGE_NUMBER' => sprintf($lang['Page_of'], ( floor( $start / $user_topics_per_page ) + 1 ), ceil( $forum_topics / $user_topics_per_page )), 'L_GOTO_PAGE' => $lang['Goto_page']) ); } ### ZNAJD ### LIMIT $start, $user_topics_per_page"; ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # j.w. " . (($mode != 'mergepost' && $mode != 'mergetopic' && !$mergepost && !$mergetopic) ? "LIMIT $start, $user_topics_per_page" : ''); ### ZNAJD ### $template->assign_block_vars('topicrow', array( 'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => "modcp.$phpEx?mode=split&" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'], ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # j.w. $template->assign_block_vars('topicrow', array( 'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id"), ### ZNAJD ### $template->assign_vars(array( 'PAGINATION' => generate_pagination("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'] . "", $forum_topics, $user_topics_per_page, $start), 'PAGE_NUMBER' => sprintf($lang['Page_of'], ( floor( $start / $user_topics_per_page ) + 1 ), ceil( $forum_topics / $user_topics_per_page )), 'L_GOTO_PAGE' => $lang['Goto_page']) ); ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # j.w. if ( $mode != 'mergepost' && $mode != 'mergetopic' && !$mergepost && !$mergetopic ) { $template->assign_vars(array( 'PAGINATION' => generate_pagination("modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'] . "", $forum_topics, $user_topics_per_page, $start), 'PAGE_NUMBER' => sprintf($lang['Page_of'], ( floor( $start / $user_topics_per_page ) + 1 ), ceil( $forum_topics / $user_topics_per_page )), 'L_GOTO_PAGE' => $lang['Goto_page']) ); } ### OTWÓRZ ### # posting.php ### ZNAJD ### $is_mod = (is_mod($userdata['user_id'])) ? true : false; $is_jr_admin = (is_jr_admin($userdata['user_id'])) ? true : false; ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Zmniejszenie ilosci zapytan $is_mod = (is_mod_buffered($userdata['user_id'])) ? true : false; $is_jr_admin = (is_jr_admin_buffered($userdata['user_id'])) ? true : false; ### ZNAJD ### if ( !(is_mod($userdata['user_id'], $forum_id)) && !$is_jr_admin && $userdata['user_level'] != ADMIN ) ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # j.w. $is_mod_forum = (is_mod($userdata['user_id'], $forum_id)) ? true : false; if ( !$is_mod_forum && !$is_jr_admin && $userdata['user_level'] != ADMIN ) ### ZNAJD ### if ( $board_config['allow_html'] || ( ($board_config['mod_html'] && is_mod($userdata['user_id'], $forum_id)) || ($board_config['admin_html'] && $userdata['user_level'] == ADMIN) || ($board_config['jr_admin_html'] && $is_jr_admin) ) ) ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # j.w. if ( $board_config['allow_html'] || ( ($board_config['mod_html'] && $is_mod_forum) || ($board_config['admin_html'] && $userdata['user_level'] == ADMIN) || ($board_config['jr_admin_html'] && $is_jr_admin) ) ) ### ZNAJD ### submit_post($mode, $post_data, $return_message, $return_meta, $forum_id, $topic_id, $post_id, $poll_id, $topic_type, $bbcode_on, $html_on, $smilies_on, $attach_sig, $bbcode_uid, str_replace("\'", "''", $username), str_replace("\'", "''", $subject), str_replace("\'", "''", $subject_e), str_replace("\'", "''", $message), str_replace("\'", "''", $poll_title), $poll_options, $poll_length, $max_vote, $hide_vote, $tothide_vote, str_replace("\'", "''", $user_agent), $msg_icon, $msg_expire, str_replace("\'", "''", $topic_color), $post_approve); ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # j.w. submit_post($mode, $post_data, $return_message, $return_meta, $forum_id, $topic_id, $post_id, $poll_id, $topic_type, $bbcode_on, $html_on, $smilies_on, $attach_sig, $bbcode_uid, str_replace("\'", "''", $username), str_replace("\'", "''", $subject), str_replace("\'", "''", $subject_e), str_replace("\'", "''", $message), str_replace("\'", "''", $poll_title), $poll_options, $poll_length, $max_vote, $hide_vote, $tothide_vote, str_replace("\'", "''", $user_agent), $msg_icon, $msg_expire, str_replace("\'", "''", $topic_color), $post_approve, $is_mod, $is_jr_admin); ### ZNAJD ### submit_post($mode, $post_data, $return_message, $return_meta, $forum_id, $topic_id, $post_id, $poll_id, $topic_type, $bbcode_on, $html_on, $smilies_on, $attach_sig, $bbcode_uid, str_replace("\'", "''", $username), str_replace("\'", "''", $subject), str_replace("\'", "''", $subject_e), str_replace("\'", "''", $message), str_replace("\'", "''", $poll_title), $poll_options, $poll_length, $max_vote, $hide_vote, $tothide_vote, str_replace("\'", "''", $user_agent), $msg_icon, $msg_expire, str_replace("\'", "''", $topic_color), $post_approve); ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # j.w. submit_post($mode, $post_data, $return_message, $return_meta, $forum_id, $topic_id, $post_id, $poll_id, $topic_type, $bbcode_on, $html_on, $smilies_on, $attach_sig, $bbcode_uid, str_replace("\'", "''", $username), str_replace("\'", "''", $subject), str_replace("\'", "''", $subject_e), str_replace("\'", "''", $message), str_replace("\'", "''", $poll_title), $poll_options, $poll_length, $max_vote, $hide_vote, $tothide_vote, str_replace("\'", "''", $user_agent), $msg_icon, $msg_expire, str_replace("\'", "''", $topic_color), $post_approve, $is_mod, $is_jr_admin); ### UWAGA, powyzej trzeba zmienic dwa razy submit_post, wystepuje w dwoch miejscach, dokladnie tak jak podalem. ### ZNAJD ### if ( $userdata['user_level'] == ADMIN || is_mod($userdata['user_id'], $forum_id) ) ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # j.w. if ( $userdata['user_level'] == ADMIN || $is_mod_forum ) ### ZNAJD ### $message_html = ( $post_text_html && (($board_config['mod_html'] && is_mod($userdata['user_id'], $forum_id)) || ($board_config['admin_html'] && $userdata['user_level'] == ADMIN) || ($board_config['jr_admin_html'] && $is_jr_admin)) ) ? true : false; ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # j.w. $message_html = ( $post_text_html && (($board_config['mod_html'] && $is_mod_forum) || ($board_config['admin_html'] && $userdata['user_level'] == ADMIN) || ($board_config['jr_admin_html'] && $is_jr_admin)) ) ? true : false; ### OTWÓRZ ### # quick_reply.php ### ZNAJD ### 'CODE' => $smilies_data[$i]['code'], ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### 'CODE' => str_replace("'", "\\'", str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $smilies_data[$i]['code'])), ### OTWÓRZ ### # viewtopic.php ### ZNAJD ### if ( $all_pages != $current_page ) { $reply_topic_url = append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . '=' . $topic_id . "&cp=" . $current_page . "&ap=" . $all_pages); $show_quickreply = ($board_config['group_rank_hack_version']) ? true : false; // Sorry for: group_rank_hack_version :) } else { $show_quickreply = (!$board_config['cquick'] || (!$session_logged_in && $board_config['not_anonymous_quickreply'])) ? false : true; } ### ZAMIEŃ NA ### # Blad dot pokazywania szybkiej odpowiedzi mimo wylaczenia w PA $show_quickreply = (!$board_config['cquick'] || (!$session_logged_in && $board_config['not_anonymous_quickreply'])) ? false : true; if ( $show_quickreply && $all_pages != $current_page ) { $reply_topic_url = append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . '=' . $topic_id . "&cp=" . $current_page . "&ap=" . $all_pages); $show_quickreply = ($board_config['group_rank_hack_version']) ? true : false; // Sorry for: group_rank_hack_version :) } Dodatkowo doszly zmiany w plikach nietypowych ktorych raczej zaden mod nie modyfikuje, wiec z powodzeniem mozemy je nadpisac. Sa to: /admin/admin_album_cat.php /admin_post_count_resync.php /admin_resync_forum_stats.php /attach_mod/includes/functions_thumbs.php /xs_style_config.php /language/lang_english/lang_xs.php /language/lang_english/lang_pcount_resync.php /language/lang_polish/lang_pcount_resync.php /language/lang_polish/lang_prune_users2.php /language/lang_polish/lang_xs.php check_data.php check_files.php ignore_topics.php resync_forum_stats.php shoutbox_body.php warnings.php KONIEC